Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a 3D action and adventure
game. It is the latest installment in the world of the ninja turtles. The game
is a mix of an action game and a platformer. You have to solve puzzles and get
from A to B and deal with obstacles more than you have to fight your enemies,
which is exactly the opposite from the previous games in the series. This game
actually improved a lot in terms of graphics over the last TMNT game. Both the
turtles and other characters are beautifully designed. Most of the maps
throughout the game are obscure to match the mood of the movies. The major
problem that you are going to experience with this game is movement. Rather,
you could say it is the camera view that makes moving plain hard. For a
platformer, TMNT doesn't have a great camera system that is easy to play with.
When you are jumping from rooftop to rooftop or going through obstacles, the
camera has got to be your friend. Sadly, that is not the case.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Free Download
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